There are lots of different kinds of animals living on earth. That means that there are lots of very different kinds of baby animals!
Most baby mammals grow inside their mother until they are born. Reptiles, birds and amphibians usually lay eggs. Fish also lay many many eggs –sometimes millions of tiny eggs!
This sweet book, made out of delicate illustrations playing with transparencies, shows the miracle of Birth and New Life.
Published by Zahorí Books, Saltimbanque Editions, Thames&Hudson, Tatarak, L’Ippcampo Edizioni, Edicare.
Quantes espècies poblen el nostre planeta, quantes maneres de néixer, créixer i viure! Cada nova vida és un petit gran miracle.
Un delicat llibre on les transparències ens descobreixen poc a poc aquest viatge on tot comença.
Published by Zahorí Books, Saltimbanque Editions, Thames&Hudson, Tatarak, L’Ippcampo Edizioni, Edicare.
¡Cuántas especies pueblan nuestro planeta, cuántas maneras de nacer, crecer y vivir! Cada nueva vida es un pequeño milagro.
Un delicado libro donde las transparencias nos desvelan este viaje donde todo empieza.
Published by Zahorí Books, Saltimbanque Editions, Thames&Hudson, Tatarak, L’Ippcampo Edizioni, Edicare.